« Noëlle’s way of leading meditations is intuitive, tender and open. It takes me very deep into myself. And her personality is fun to be with! I love her. »
Julie Loddesøl
Oslo, Norway
« Noëlle is a wonderful and inspirational Meditation teacher!
She is profoundly knowledgeable, pure hearted, full of love and light.
I highly recommend Noëlle‘s life changing Meditations! »
Caroline Meyer
Küsnacht, Switzerland
« The Meditations that I have the chance to experience with Noëlle, are incredibly enriching, true and clear. Noëlle has this wonderful and touching gift to bring us in our inner space, where we come back stronger, touched and more conscious. I am very grateful to Noëlle and I appreciate her truthful work. »
Frédérique Winter
Zürich, Switzerland
« I can't put into words how much more beautiful and meaningful my life has become since I met Noëlle and regularly participate in her meditations. I have already experienced so many magical moments and know that there are many, many more waiting for me.
And I look forward to them with a newly acquired serenity and a basic trust - which I have gained thanks to Noëlle‘s strengthening energy. Thank you dear Noëlle - you are a gift for me and for the world. »
Conny Geibel
Zürich, Switzlerand
« For me it helped very much ❤️ in 2 months of meditation I could finally quit the addiction of sweets. For years I have been trying and it never last. Now I could mantain it for 2 month, lose 5 kg and I am motivated to go on.
Addiction for sweets was one of my hardest challenges... Is an every day work and daily meditation helped me focus and achieve my goals.
Much Love
Alice ❤️ »
Alice Stahie
Pioresti, Romania
« This meditation group lead by Noelle is really wonderful! During the meditation, Noelle"s voice becomes very calming and soothing as she raises the energy and takes us on a sacred journey with our guides through the Veil. The whole experience is very calming and overall healing. It shifts me into a higher frequency which reminds me every time of who I really am. I am so grateful to be able to be a participant in this special time together with Noelle and would highly recommend anyone to join in and have an uplifting experience. »
Patricia Helterbran